
August 8, 2009

What is Kiosk Viewer ?

Filed under: Bioinformatics,Proteomics — Biointelligence: Education,Training & Consultancy Services @ 2:00 am
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Want to study protein s and their structures ?? Want to have an insight of the chosen protein structure ?? Then Kiosk Viewer is the right tool for you.

The Molecules in Motion Kiosk Viewer is a full-screen animation program that displays structures from different angles and perspectives, and focuses on chemical components within the structure. The Kiosk Viewer can be launched for any structure from the “Other Viewers” menu on the structure summary page, in PDB.

Here is a screenshot of the summary page from where Kiosk can be accessed.

Access Molecules in Motion using Kiosk Viewer

The Kiosk program runs on Mac, Windows and some versions of Linux (i.e. CentOS 5) only, and requires the latest version of Java. The program automatically downloads coordinate files into a folder, which lets users run Kiosk on an offline computer.

Here is a screen shot for the same.

A screenshot of 1KYSK protein Molecule in Kiosk Viewer

To customize the list of structures displayed in Kiosk, right click on the Kiosk Viewer link and save the file with a new name (with the .jnlp extension), for example myFavorites.jnlp. Edit the PDB IDs listed in the file and save it. Double click to launch Kiosk Viewer; press the Esc key to exit Kiosk Viewer.

To access Kiosk Viewer, follow this link: